SNAP Employment & Training

Participants in Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program Employment and Training (SNAP E+T) applied for and receive food stamps through their local Department of Children and Families.

The SNAP E+T, emphasizes work, self-sufficiency, and personal responsibility. Services are eligible to all Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs) who are required to meet the work requirements. As of January 1, 2016, SNAP E+T, focuses on assisting participants in meeting work participation requirements. It strives to meet the needs of participants in gaining skills, training, work, and experience that will increase their ability to obtain total self-sufficiency

Participants who meet the below criteria are REQUIRED to participate 80 hours per month or 40 hours bi-weekly (a total of 20 hours per week is recommended) in specific activities to maintain eligibility for food assistance:


  • Must be between the ages of 18-49
  • Not working at least 30 hours a week
  • Not earning weekly wages of at least $217.50 a week
  • Not in school at least half-time
  • No documented medical limitation
  • Attend all scheduled appointments
  • Participate in and document all activities
  • Respond to phone calls or letter from CareerSource Suncoast or any other agency you are referred to.

If you have received food stamps and meet the above criteria and have received a Notice of Mandatory Participation (NOMP) letter from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity and are wondering what to do next, follow and below steps to expedite processing your case and to make sure your benefits are not interrupted:

Step 1 - Complete online orientation & assessment within 7 days of DCF referral to CareerSource Suncoast

Complete online orientation & assessment within 7 days of DCF referral to CareerSource Suncoast

It will take you between 45 minutes – 1 hour to complete. This is required in order to complete the SNAP program orientation and must be completed within 7 days of notification or the start of your food assistance benefits. Please ensure that you are fully complete and review each screen carefully in order to meet all requirements of the online orientation and assessment. We strongly encourage you to visit a CareerSource Suncoast center to access computers, printers, and trained staff that are qualified to assist you.

Step 2 - Schedule an Appointment at a CareerSource Suncoast center

Schedule an Appointment at a CareerSouce Suncoast center

Please arrive 15 minutes early to allow time to sign-in.

Schedule Appointment
Step 3 - Register in Employ Florida

Employ Florida is the State of Florida’s official job search website, used to connect thousands of employers with qualified career seekers. Upload your resume and use the search tool to narrow down and find job openings in Manatee and Sarasota counties.

Step-by-step guide on how to register in Employ Florida.

Step 4 - Employment Planning Appointment

What to expect at your appointment?

Employment Planning Appointments are designed to provide you with information regarding the requirements for your benefits. Appointments will last approximately 60 minutes and will ensure you fully understand all that SNAP has to offer.

During your appointment, we will:

  • Complete additional engagement forms
  • Select your next SNAP MN activity(s) to remain in compliance with the monthly 80 hours of ongoing participation
  • Provide you with information and guidance on the best way to complete, document and submit proof of your hours
  • Introduce you to Job Connect, a user-friendly way to submit proof of all your job searching efforts

You must complete 80 hours per month or 40 hours bi-weekly in their allowable SNAP MN activity. A total of 20 hours per week is recommended. Completed forms documenting these hours are to be submitted by the 15th and 30th of each month.

Please understand that submission does not mean automated updating to your case in the state participant tracking system. State-accepted documentation will be discussed in detail and can be reviewed with a SNAP representative at any time.

Transportation Reimbursement Assistance:
If you are interested in receiving help with your job searching efforts, participating in activities or receiving Food Stamp Reimbursements (FSRs) to help offset the cost of transportation, please discuss this with your SNAP Career Coach or review the online orientation.

After completion, please call for instructions.

*Note: SNAP clients will not be seen by a SNAP Career Coach until all required online activities are completed.


Sanction Lift Process:
If you have a sanction, please come to one of our locations for your case to be reviewed and receive instructions for a sanction lift.

Reporting Employment:
If you are currently working, you must report the employment to DCF and CareerSource Suncoast. To do this complete the DCF Employment Verification Form and bring it into one of our locations with a scheduled appointment.

Medical Limitations:
If you are not able to complete your SNAP E&T activity hours due to a medical limitation, you must contact DCF at 1-866-762-2237. CareerSource Suncoast cannot make decisions on exemptions or exceptions.

Additional Resources


Helpful Links & Services

Benefits.Gov – Find out if you are eligible to receive government benefits

HHS Administration for Children and Families (ACF) – Find information on how to improve you and your family’s health.

Social Security Administration: Food Stamps and Other Nutrition ProgramsFind out if you are eligible to receive food stamps and other government assistance.


Manatee Transportation Disadvantaged Program – This program helps to provide transportation assistance to those in the community who, because of low-income status, cannot afford transportation services. Online application and information for $20 each 31-day period, with unlimited trips for qualified individuals. You may be able to use your SNAP transportation reimbursement assistance for up to $25.00 per month to cover this cost and support your transportation needs ongoing.

Information on Routes and Bus Schedules Manatee & Sarasota Counties

Helpful Links & Services

Free Cell Phone thru SafeLink – Online application and information for a free cell phone

2-1-1 – Link to online 211 Customer access for services and resources in Manatee, Sarasota, and DeSoto Counties

Gateway to My DCF ACCESS account Link to your DCF ACCESS account which requires userID and password to review your case or benefits