OJT Request Form

Clients must meet eligibility criteria to receive On-the-Job Training (OJT) services through CareerSource Suncoast. The questions outlined in this OJT request aids in the determination. To learn more, click here. If interested in pursuing a MySuncoast OJT, please complete the following request

Have you registered in EmployFlorida.com?

Are you a US Citizen or legally able to work in the US?

All males born January 1, 1960 or later are required to selective service register. If applicable, have you completed this registration? To check your registration please visit sss.gov

Do you consider yourself to have a disability?

Are you currently receiving benefits from the Social Security Administration for Disability?

Are you in the military, an eligible veteran, or spouse of an eligible veteran?

Are you a current Active Duty Military spouse who is unemployed / under employed?

Are you currently working?
Note: if unemployed please record 0.00
Are you able to work full-time?

Have you received a notice of termination or layoff from your job?

Are you receiving Unemployment or have you exhausted your unemployment benefits?

Self-Employed: Did you close your business due to the economy or natural disaster?

Are you a Displaced Homemaker?

Have you been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor?

Are you currently receiving or have received SNAP/food stamps in the last six months?

Are you currently receiving Public Assistance?

(Total number of people in your family = all those living in a household related by blood, marriage or court decree)
Adult Family Definition
Birth Certificate
Marriage Certificate
Decree of Court
Public Assistance-Social Service Agency Records
Most Recent Tax Return Supported by IRS Documents
Landlord Statement
Public Housing Authority

Use the past six months of income multiplied by two. (family income = all those living in a household related by blood, marriage or court decree)

Please list all types of income you are receiving
Family Includable & Excludable Income

Wages and salaries before any deductions
Net receipts from self-employment
Pension or retirement income
Unemployment compensation
Child support
Social security benefits
Strike benefits from union funds
Net rental income
Interest, dividends, royalties
Periodic receipts from estates, trusts
Educational Assistance and training stipends
Other support from an absent family member not living in the household
Other miscellaneous sources of revenue considered as reportable income by the IRS

IMPORTANT! There are documents that contain important information about WIOA training services, how to apply for training services, your rights, responsibilities and/or benefits. It is critical that you understand the information in these documents. You can receive Translation assistance of all documents by

CALLING 941-358-4200 to schedule an appointment at no cost to you.