Become a Training Provider

How to Become a Training Provider

We appreciate your interest in becoming an eligible training provider. Applications for becoming a provider and/or adding training programs to our Eligible Training Providers List (ETPL) are evaluated on a semiannual basis beginning in May/June. The exact timing comes after the publication of the Regional Demand Occupations List (RDOL) from Florida’s Department of Economic Opportunity, and the subsequent annual release of the Local Targeted Occupations List (LTOL) by the CareerSource Suncoast.

ETPL Annual Application Submission Windows

First (1) Window | May/June – Based on the Public Noticed release of the region’s LTOL, interested training providers may submit ETPL applications to CSS within the months of May or June for consideration of being added to the ETPL for the next training year (July – June). The Training Provider Application deadline for this window is also Public Noticed and varies each year dependent on the release of the LTOL. Interested providers should expect the submission deadline to be in late May or early June. Click here for our Public Notice page

Second (2) Window | July & August –
Continuing to reference the LTOL, training providers may submit ETPL application documentation to change and/or add to the current ETPL for the time remaining in the current training year ending June 30. To be considered, training providers must submit their ETPL application documentation to change and/or add to the current ETPL for consideration by the deadline of August 31.

These two (2) submission windows allow time for reviews of the completed application documents, possible site visits, and recommendations to the CSS Board of Directors for approval.

Applications to change and/or add to the Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) will only be accepted during the two (2) submission windows listed above. Submissions outside of those windows will not be considered.

Please note: A training provider’s approval as a qualified occupational skills training provider will not guarantee individuals will be referred to a provider by CSS. Training referrals/scholarships are based upon CSS reviewing an individual’s aptitudes, abilities, geographic location, interests, living expenses, and other relevant eligibility and suitability information. That determination will dictate whether a training referral/scholarship will occur. Each selected individual receiving a training referral/scholarship will choose which approved training provider will receive their CSS training referral.

Become a Training Provider

If you are interested in becoming a Training Provider or want to renew as a Training Provider, please email and indicate whether you wish to receive information requesting to either become a training provider or renew as a training provider

* Training organizations applying for “Initial Eligibility” receive one (1) full year, after which they may seek “Continued Eligibility” every (2) years. *

Review the Current:

LTOL / ETPL Full Timeline

Full Timeline

May – CareerSource Suncoast (CSS) receives the new Regional Demand Occupations List (RDOL) from Florida’s Department of Economic Opportunity for the next year (July – June) and by means of Public Notice releases it for public input to consider adding occupations to it. Click here for our Public Notice page.

Late May or early June
– CSS additions to the RDOL creates the region’s new annual Local Targeted Occupations List (LTOL) for the next training year (July – June). By means of Public Notice, CSS releases the new annual LTOL for training providers to reference and submit their Eligible Training Providers List (ETPL) application documentation for consideration and possible inclusion on the new ETPL for the next training year. The required forms and submission deadline is included in the LTOL Public Notice. Click here for our Public Notice page.

Mid to Late June – The CSS Board approved ETPL is released and available on our website. Click here to access

Late June to Early July
– CSS Agreements with the approved training providers are finalized

July through August – Continuing to reference the LTOL, training providers may submit ETPL application documentation to change and/or add to the current ETPL for the time remaining in the current training year ending June 30. To be considered,training providers must submit their ETPL application documentation for consideration by the deadline of August 31.

Training Provider Eligibility Criteria

Training Provider Eligibility Criteria

Submit a complete and accurate Training Provider Program Application including all requested information and documentation.

Must be in business under the current ownership for a minimum of two years.
Eligible providers of training service programs must be:
a. Higher Education – An institution of higher education that provides a program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential or
b. Apprenticeship program– An entity that carries out programs registered under the National Apprenticeship Act (NAA) or
c. Other public/ private providers – Other public or private providers of training service programs, which may include joint labor-management organizations, pre-apprenticeship programs, and occupational/technical training.
d. Adult education and literacy activities – Providers of adult education and literacy activities if such activities are provided in combination with occupational skills training.

Note: Registered apprenticeship programs are not subject to the “Initial Eligibility” criteria or application requirements.

To be determined eligible to provide approved training, the training provider must:

Be a public school or licensed by the Florida Department of Education Commission for Independent Education (CIE) to provide the proposed training program(s). Licensure documentation for each course proposed in the application must be provided to CSS. Private training providers must contact the Commission for Independent Education (CIE) at (850) 245-3200 or online at to obtain licensure.
Institutions providing secondary training, education or skills must maintain and provide regional AdvancED/SACS accreditation as a secondary public or private school district.
Agree to provide student-based information to the Florida Education Training and Placement Information Program (FETPIP)
Approved PELL grant schools, must coordinate PELL grant payments with CSS scholarship funding.
Training provider/school approved by an IT software developer, whose products are considered universal products used nationally or globally to train individuals on their software, is not required to be accredited nor is the course of training required to be accredited; however, the training provider/school must be listed by the IT software developer on the developer’s website.
Track and supply program completion/placement information to CSS. (Training Programs must meet CSS performance measures)
Provide verification the training program/s submitted are for occupations listed on the *Local Targeted Occupations List (LTOL) and meet the minimum required hourly placement wage for the year ($16.50 – July 2022 to June 2023).
All training programs must result in a nationally or industry-recognized credential or certification upon completion.