RFA: 2021-2022 Request for Training Provider Applicants

June 1, 2021 – CareerSource Suncoast is now accepting Training Provider Applications to be approved and added to the Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) for Program Year 2021-2022 (July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022).

Florida’s Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) recently released the 21-22 Regional Demand Occupations List (RDOL) for Local Workforce Development Area (LWDA) 18 (Manatee & Sarasota Counties). That list is used as the basis for the creation of the of the new 21-22 Local Targeted Occupations List (LTOL). Due to delays at DEO the RDOL’s release was late. Correspondingly, the final LTOL is not yet approved.

Once the LTOL is approved it will be added to this page on our website and it will be used as the final list to determine which occupations are eligible for training scholarships with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and other workforce funds. Training scholarships are issued by CareerSource Suncoast through our Career Centers to authorized local training providers.</>

Providers must submit the appropriate application package as outlined in the Application Overview; training programs must be specific to targeted occupations as reflected on the LTOL. Until the LTOL is released and due to time constraints, Training Providers are asked to use the Draft LTOL to complete their training program submission process.

“Initial Eligibility” Application – for any training provider that did not appear on the ETPL last year (PY20-21) will be required to submit as an “Initial Eligible” provider and be brought before the board for approval of a 1-year contract. If approved, providers seeking “Initial Eligibility” receive initial eligibility for one (1) program year, after which they may seek “Continued Eligibility”.

“Continued Eligibility” Application – for training providers who had previously completed the “Initial Eligibility” period and now seek “Continued Eligibility”. Once on the ETPL, the “Continued Eligibility” Training Provider Application is required. If “Continued Eligibility” is approved, then training providers must submit applications for “Continued Eligibility Training Providers” every two years to maintain their eligibility.

A complete application must be submitted to be considered for inclusion on the Local Workforce Development Area 18 Eligible Training Providers List (ETPL) for PY 2021-2022. Submitted applications are reviewed and presented to the Board for approval. Final contracting is contingent upon Board approval of Training Provider Applications.

Completed Provider Applications and Programs Descriptions for the PY 2021-2022 ETPL must be submitted to CSS by close of business June 11, 2021.

Completed application packages with all required attachments must be submitted electronically to etpl@careersourcesc.com

Links to required application documents and reference materials are below:
1. Training Provider Application Overview
2. Draft Local Targeted Occupations List (LTOL)
3. Applications – select the appropriate application package as outlined above:

Initial Eligibility Training Provider Application – includes two forms:

Continued Eligibility Training Provider Application – includes two forms:


  • Training Providers program/s submissions must meet the 2021–2022 average wage at placement criteria of $15.50 per hour.
  • Continued Eligibility Training Providers proposing to add a “new” training program to the ETPL are to submit an Initial Eligibility Program Description for that specific new program.